Sulu-Sulawesi Sub-Regional EAFM Plan Implementation Workshop

10 March 2020
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CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat


Manila, Phillipines, March 2020 – Sharing the common goal of combating illegal, unreported and uregulated (IUU) fishing, preserving the sustainable fisheries and conserving marine biodiversity in the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape (SSS), the USAID Oceans and Conservation International Philipines partnered in conducting the Sulu-Sulawesi Sub-Regional EAFM Plan Implementation Workshop on 10-11 March 2020 in Manila, Philippines.

The workshop discussed and developed the Terms of References for the establishment of Sub-Regional Group and for establishment of SSS Sub-Regional Group. Further, the countries covered by SSS namely, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines came up with their own draft priority actions in terms of ecological, social and governance levels. These draft priority actions are to be socialized later to secure future funding. 


The activity was implemented in coordination with the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat and Ecosystems Approach to Fisheries Manageent (EAFM) and Seascapes Working Group. It was also carried out in support of the CTI-CFF’s regional plan of action which outlines the improved enforcement of IUU fishing through greater collaboration. 

