
H.E Victor Gustaaf Manoppo
- Director General for Marine Spatial Management
- Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Member of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials
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- Email:
- Email:
- Secretary of Directorate General of Marine Director General for Marine Spatial Management
- Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Focal Point, Indonesia CTi National Coordinating Committee
- Email:
- Email:
- (021) 3519070 EXT. 7433 – Fax. (021) 3864293
Dr. Hendra Yusran Siry
The Indonesia CTI-CFF National Coordinating Committee (NCC) was formed in 2009 to lead the in-country implementation of CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action and the Indonesia CTI-CFF National Plan of Action (NPOA). The NCC comprises representatives from multi-sectoral ministries, non-government organizations, development partners and academic experts. It has seven working groups, five of which cover technical areas such as seascapes, fisheries, marine protected areas, climate change, threatened species protection and two cover cross-cutting themes such as monitoring and evaluation and capacity building. The working groups are led by representatives from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the Ministry of Forestry and the Ministry of Environment.
The Indonesia CTI-CFF NPOA goals and activities are closely tied to the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action as well as the government’s medium and long-term strategies related to coral reef, fisheries and food security. It guides and streamlines Indonesia's effort on the ground to achieve conservation of coral reef for the sustainability of fisheries and food security and help ensure that local targets are consistent with regional goals.
Indonesia has committed a large sum of its national budget for the implementation of the CTI-CFF and has agreed to host the CTI-CFF Permanent Regional Secretariat. It has also hosted various regional activities related to the CTI-CFF and its representatives sit as co-chairs of key CTI-CFF working groups. At the national level, the NCC has led the following successful efforts: identification of priority seascapes; completion of zoning regulations for fishing gears that support sustainable fisheries; designated a 1.2 million hectare marine park as a protected area; conduct of community information campaigns on climate change; development of a school for marine conservation and the institutionalization of a marine protected area training curriculum.