Solomon Islands

H.E. Dr. Melchior Mataki
- Permanent Secretary
- Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
- Honiara, Solomon Islands
- Chair of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials
- Chief Conservation Officer
- Environment Conservation Division
- Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
- Honiara, Solomon Islands
- Focal Point, Solomon Islands National CTI Coordinating Committee
- (+677) 27062
- (+677) 23031
Ms. Agnetha Vave-Karamui
The Solomon Islands CTI-CFF National Coordinating Committee (NCC) was established as a mechanism to coordinate and promote country-level implementation of the national and regional CTI-CFF Plans of Action. The NCC is led by the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology (MECDM) and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR). Its members include stakeholders representing the public, non-government organizations, academic and community sector. The multi-sectoral NCC membership ensures that stakeholder consultation is given importance in the development and implementation of its CTI-CFF National Plan of Action (NPOA).
The Solomon Islands CTI-CFF NPOA is focused on adopting a people-centered approach to integrated resource management where communities will be the primary drivers as well as beneficiaries of sustainable resource management. It is supported by cross cutting strategies such as development of policy legislation and institutional partnerships, data management and coordination for decision making, and capacity building. The NPOA aims to ensure that 25% of Solomon Islands coastal, watershed and inshore areas are under 40% improved management by 2015 through community based resource management and integrated coastal management approaches.
From November 2009 to 2011, the Solomon Islands served as the Vice-Chair of the CTI-CFF Council of Ministers and hosted the 2nd CTI-CFF Senior Officials Meeting in 2009. At the regional level the Solomon Islands has taken an active role in climate change adaptation and shares the chairmanship of the CTI-CFF Technical Working Group on Climate Change Adaptation with Indonesia. It also hosted the Second CTI-CFF Regional Exchange on Climate Change Tools for Action in April 2011. At the national level, the NCC has developed partnerships with local governments, nongovernmental organizations and other donor-assisted programs to help push implementation of the NPOA. The NCC led the formulation of climate change adaptation policies for the marine sector in November 2011 and has engaged all the provincial leaders in the country to sign a landmark communiqué to protect their environment drawing on lessons learned from the CTI-CFF Local Governance Learning Network. It also tapped the joint United Nations Development Programme, School of Natural Resources and MECDM’s Youth Environment Program to promote training and awareness of issues concerning marine protected areas and climate change and accelerate appreciation and implementation of adaptation measures in the Solomon Islands communities.