CTI Women Leader's Forum
Women Leaders' Forum Working Group
- Chairperson: Timor-Leste
- Vice chair: CTI-CFF Strategic Partner - Coral Triangle Center
The previous Women Leaders' Forum Chairs and Co-Chairs are as follows:
Year | Chair | Country | Year | Co-Chair | Country |
2024 - Current | Ms. Nelly Kere | Solomon Islands | 2022- Current | Rili Djohani | Coral Triangle Center |
2022 - 2023 | Ms. Alda Sousa Lemos da Rosa | Timor Leste | 2022 - Current | Rili Djohani | Coral Triangle Center |
2018 - 2022 | Ms Agnetha Vave karamui | Solomon Islands | 2000 - 2022 | Ms. Laura Whitford | Australia |
The Coral Triangle Initiatives (CTI) Women Leaders’ Forum (WLF) is a Cross-Cutting Initiatives that was established to actively engage and incorporate the perspectives of women and girls towards achieving its Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) and National Plan of Action (NPOA) goals and targets. In May 2014, the CTI WLF was officially adopted at the CTI-CFF 5th Ministerial Meeting in Manado, Indonesia.
The CTI Women Leaders’ Forum functions are:
- A peer-learning network for women who are playing key leadership roles in sustaining the marine resources of the Coral Triangle region,
- Recognize the achievement of grassroots women leaders who are championing marine conservation in the six Coral Triangle countries, and,
- Serve as a platform to build the capacity of women from the Coral Triangle to take leadership roles in preserving and sustaining the regions' unique marine and coastal resources.
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The Womens' Leaders Forum Working Group members are as follows:
Solomon Islands (Chair of Women Leaders’ Forum) | ||
Name | Position | |
Ms. Nelly Kere | Chief Programme Officer, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology. | NKere@mecdm.gov.sb; nzkere@gmail.com |
Rieka Kwalai | Principle Fisheries Officer Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources | RKwalai@fisheries.gov.sb |
Coral Triangle Center (Co-Chair of Women Leaders’ Forum) | ||
Name | Position | |
Ms. Ishartini | Co-Chair of CTI-CFF Women’s Leaders Forum/ Executive Director | rdjohani@coraltrianglecenter.org |
Indonesia | ||
Name | Position | |
Mr. Andy Artha Donny Oktopura | Head of Planning Bureau Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries | sespriroren@gmail.com |
Ade Wiguna Nur Yasin | Junior Planner/Planning and Budgeting sub-coordinator, Planning Bureau Secretariat Genera | ctimalaysia@kasa.gov.my |
Malaysia | ||
Name | Position | |
Dr. Aazani Mujahid | Senior Lecturer, University of Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) | aazanimujahid@gmail.com |
Papua New Guinea | ||
Name | Position | |
Ms. Phelameya J. Haiveta | Marine Division, Conservation and Environment Protection Authority, Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Climate Change | phelameya@gmail.com; PHaiveta@cepa.gov.pg |
Ms Yvonne Tio | Executive Manageress, Marine Environment Division, Conservation and Environment Protection Authority. Alternate: | ytio@dec.gov.pg |
Marzena Ann Marinjembi | Assistant Project Officer – Marine Conservation and Environment Protection Authority | pngctincc@gmail.com |
Philippines | ||
Name | Position | |
Ms. Amelita DJ Ortiz | Assistant Director of Biodiversity Management Bureau, (Officer-in-Charge of BMB) Department of Environment and Natural Resources, The Philippines | zitroaim@gmail.com or adjortiz@denr.gov.ph |
Isidro M. Velayo, Jr | Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) | ph.nccc.secretariat@gmail.com |
Ms. Alita Sangalang | DENR BMB | ph.nccc.secretariat@gmail.com |
Timor Leste | ||
Name | Position | |
Ms. Alda Sousa Lemos da Rosa | Chief Department of Investigation and Development of Fisheries and Aquaculture | aldarossousa@gmail.com |
Alsina Fernanades Monteiro | Senior staff of National Directorate of Marine Spatial Planning, Capture and Management of Aquatic Resources | - - |
Esmeralda dos Santos | Technical Staff of General Directorate of Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Resources. | - - |
Esmeralda Maria da Costa Neto | Technical staff of National Directorate of Marine Spatial Planning, Capture and Management of Aquatic Resources. | - - |
The CTI Women Leaders’ forum in collaboration with CTI-CFF Strategic Partner, Coral Triangle Center and US Department of Interior and USAID Oceans and Partnerships have conducted many activities related to the capacity building of women in Coral Triangle. The latest activity was the Gender Training Workshop on Gender Concepts, Analysis and Tools in Sustainable Coastal and Marine Resources Management at the Universiti of Malaysia Terengganu, Terengganu.
Other examples of the accomplishments of CTI Women Leaders’ Forum include:
- The CTI Women Leaders Forum developed a draft Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy in 2020 as a critical tool for ensuring the CTI-CFF as an inclusive regional platform for achieving its marine conservation and resource management goals. The GESI policy is planned to be implemented in 2021 upon approval during the 16th Senior Officials Meeting and 8thMinisterial Meeting.
- The WLF 2020 Roadmap was endorsed during SOM-15 in Honiara, Solomon Islands (Nov 2019)
- Six Countries InterGenerational Mentor-Mentee Programme: Six Countries InterGenerational Mentor-Mentee Programme:
- The CTI-CFF WLF’s Women’s InterGenerational Leadership Learning Forum was implemented by the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) and the US Department of the Interior-International Technical Assistance Programme (USDOI-ITAP) with funding support from USAID RDMA, in collaboration with the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat and the CTI-CFF national coordinating committees. The forum aimed to create a knowledge sharing platform between senior marine conservation women leaders in the Coral Triangle countries who served as mentors to a younger generation of early career women who showed both potential and interest in developing leadership qualities. The intent of the programme was to build a cadre of next generation young women leaders from the Coral Triangle countries who are empowered to lead marine conservation programmes in support of the CTI-CFF goals, and beyond. Each mentor-mentee pair succeeded in finding practical solutions to some of the most pressing marine conservation issues in the Coral Triangle.
- Stocktake on Gender related policies and legal framework in the Coral Triangle; and a baseline matrix to help with the development of a CTI Gender Policy Process.
Workplan for 2023 and Budget
Planned Activities | Time Frame | Proposed Budget |
WLF In-Situ Online Meeting | Q1 - Q2 | USD 8,500 |
Activities supported by SUFIA TS
TBD | Supported by SUFIA Technical Support |
Target Output B2.1.1 By 2023, the CTI-CFF Gender and Social Equality (GESI) Policy is integrated and mainstreamed in all CTI-CFF programs, projects and activities with roles of women, youth and local governments assessed and monitored in specific regional actions (projects, working groups etc.) as per the GESI Policy. | -- | Depending upon budget/ Partners support |
Target Output B2.2.1 By 2023, GESI regional guidelines on private sector partnerships and collaborations, and innovative financial resources are developed and/or improved. | -- | Depending upon budget/ Partners support |
Output B2.1.1.a By 2023, GESI policy is endorsed by NCCs to the Senior Officials Meeting and approved by the Council of Ministers, and aligned with CT6 current and future policy framework. | -- | Depending upon budget/ Partners support |
Output B2.1.1.b By 2023, GESI principles are integrated into the CTI-CFF M&E framework, CT Atlas and CT6 national framework. | -- | Depending upon budget/ Partners support |
Output B2.1.1.c By 2023, Practical tools are developed to collect gender and social groups segregated data. | -- | Depending upon budget/ Partners support |
Output B2.1.1.d By 2023, increase understanding and awareness related to GESI in the CTI-CFF through Communication, Education and Public Awareness (CEPA). | -- | Depending upon budget/ Partners support |
No. | Documents Name | Documents Link |
1 | WLF Chair TOR | |
2 | WLF Co-Chair TOR | |
3 | WLF Summary Report 2019 | |
4 | WLF Ambassador TOR | |
5 | WLF Road Map | |
Developing a Competency Model to Elevate Women Leadership in Marine and Coastal Management, Sanur-Bali
22 September 2019
The Women Leaders’ Forum (WLF) met last September 2019 in Bali Indonesia with NCC representatives and partners. The workshop was specifically designed to engage a cadre of coastal and marine management professionals who are eager and committed to furthering women’s leadership in coastal and marine resource management efforts.
The workshop supported the implementation of CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action 2.0 and the UN Sustainable Development Goal #5 which is to achieve Gender Equality and empower women and girls and Goal #14 which is to protect life below water.
This workshop initiated the development of a customized leadership competency model for women leaders across the Coral Triangle Region and the development of a portfolio of skills and templates that women leaders can use for development and career promotional purposes.
The CTI-CFF WLF competency model and portfolio can be shared throughout CTI-CFF and it included: competency model and framework, individual competency definitions, list of skills and knowledge associated with each competency, a menu of on-the-job activities for the development of each competency, a sampling of educational resources that will support leadership development pertaining to each competency, and tips for integrating the competencies in each organization.
This framework can then be used as a baseline for the expanded development of women’s leadership, women’s recruitment, recognition, and promotion processes within organizations and the establishment of standards to ensure equality and equity for women leaders within organizations and access to upward mobility.
The training built on the success of the CTI-CFF Women Leaders Forum to build the capacity of 200 women leaders across the Coral Triangle and empower them to have a stronger voice in marine and fisheries decision-making in their countries. The training aims to amplify the impact of women leaders to influence their organizations and build the capacity of more women to take on leadership roles in marine and coastal management in the region.
WLF Dinner Meeting in Dili, Timor-Leste
27 June 2019
The Women Leaders’ Forum (WLF) met last June 27, 2019 in Dili Timor-Leste with NCC representatives and partners to discuss ways to synergize existing and future work in the region. The meeting also gathered inputs from the participants to be included into the draft gender policies/regulations matrix especially on the gaps and challenges, how women participation is included in planning and implementation process, gender equality integration. Further, the information will feed into the RPOA 2.0 process.
Resource persons during the meeting were Dr. Sharifah Nora Ibrahim of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat; Dr. Arlene Satapornvanit of USAID Oceans; Ms. Jasmin Mohd Saad of USAID Oceabs representing Ms. Agnetha Karamui, WLF Chair from Solomon Islands; Ms. Agustinha Duarte of WorldFish Timor Leste; Ms. Lusitania Lopes of Women Maritime in Asia (WIMA); Ms. Kulthida Techasarin of US Department of Interior; Ms. Esmeralda Dos Santos of Timor Leste NCC; and Ms. Bernadete da Fonseca of FAO Timor Leste.
Malaysia and Papua New Guinea also shared their Gender/Women Initiatives.
The WLF meeting was supported by USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership and the US Department of Interior hosted by the NCC Timor-Leste and co-organized by the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat.
For more updates please visit: https://www.coraltrianglecenter.org/
CTI-CFF WLF’s Women’s Intergenerational Leadership Learning Forum (2017-2018)
17 November 2017
The CTI-CFF WLF’s Women’s Intergenerational Leadership Learning Forum, which is being implemented by the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) and the US Department of the Interior-International Technical Assistance Program (USDOI-ITAP) with funding support from USAID RDMA, in collaboration with the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat and the CTI-CFF National Coordinating Committees, aims to create a knowledge sharing platform between the senior marine conservation women leaders in the six Coral Triangle countries who will serve as mentors to a younger generation of early career women who show both potential and interest in developing leadership qualities.
The intent of the program is to build a cadre of next generation young women leaders from the Coral Triangle countries who are empowered to lead marine conservation programs in support of the CTI-CFF goals, and beyond. The program will include one regional interactive, participatory learning forum, a small grants program for a young professional led marine conservation project which will be implemented by a mentee and supervised by a mentor, and a final regional sharing workshop at the end of the program. Together, the two generations of marine conservation practitioners will work on the project, and ideally set the groundwork for the young professionals to establish themselves as the next generation of marine conservationists.
This program will be implemented over 12 months and is expected to cover one pair of mentor-mentee for each of the CT countries or a total of six (6) senior women mentors and six (6) women mentees. The mentor-mentees will be selected through this open call/submission of applications and will be selected from a pool of women leaders committed to the marine conservation and sustainability goals under the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action.
Each participant in the Collaborative Leadership Learning Forum will have the opportunity to work directly with a mentor on their collaborative leadership development track, as well as working side-by-side with a coach on their Conservation Challenge projects.
For more updates please visit: https://www.coraltrianglecenter.org/
1st Capacity Building Workshop for The Malaysian WLF Branch
12 October 2016
The 1st capacity building workshop for the Malaysian Women Leader’s Forum (WLF) was held on the 13-15 October 2016 attended by 15 women leaders. The workshop covered: i) Effective Public Speaking & Presentation Skill, and ii) Non Finance to Non Finance People.
The group listed activities and plans for next year which will be discussed on Nov 7, 2016 with women leaders and CTI-CFF implementing agencies in Malaysia, and youth and community groups. The workshop was convened by WWF Malaysia and supported by the Malaysian Wildlife Conservation Foundation (MWCF). The participants were from Green Semporna, Kudat Turtle Conservation Society. Wanita Pulau Omadal, Padang Kemunting Turtle Friendly Village Community, Balambangan Community and WWF –Malaysia Community Education and Engagement team.
CTI WLF at The International Symposium on Capacity Buiding for Sustainable Oceans
19 July 2016
On 19-20 July 2016, a WLF representative presented at the International Symposium on Capacity Building for Sustainable Oceans in Tokyo, Japan, hosed by the Nippon Foundation, the Government of Japan, and supported by TNC.
Ms Roziah Jalalid, Chairperson of the Omadal Women’s Association from Sabah, Malaysia represented WLF and shared how WLF allowed her to learn from other women working on sustainable marine and coastal management across Malaysia.
Ms. Roziah has been involved in community engagement, outreach and capacity building for marine conservation in Sabah, Malaysia since 2010. Roziah was first exposed to the CTI-CFF WLF in 2015, when a national level WLF event was held in Sabah, with support from WWF Malaysia.
CTI WLF at The International Coral Reef Symposium
23 June 2016
As part of the side events of the International Coral Reef Symposium in Honolulu, Hawaii CTC and the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat presented the CTI-CFF Women Leaders Forum milestones at the East-West Center on June 24, 2016.
In September, TNC brought together WLF representatives from PNG and Solomon to a week-long learning exchange during the World Conservation Congress in Hawaii. The women worked on grassroots natural resource management, and the learning exchange provided an opportunity to share their experiences, knowledge and challenges with one another.
The WLF representatives had the chance to learn from local indigenous leaders in Hawaii about traditional resource management practices, as well as to share their stories with global participants attending the congress by hosting a ‘Knowledge Café’ session focused on women’s leadership in conservation. The WCC Women’s Learning exchange provided an important opportunity to showcase women-led initiatives like the WLF, and to connect these inspiring women leaders with others from across the region.
2nd Roundtable of The National PNG Branch
15 June 2016
On 15-17 June 2016, the 2nd roundtable of the National PNG branch of the CTI-CFF Women Leaders’ Forum was held in Manus province, Papua New Guinea with the theme ‘Rights-Based Management is empowering women in food security, sustainable community fisheries and climate adaptation programs in rural communities of PNG’.
The event had 120 participants who came to reaffirm their commitment to, and leadership role in, the sustainable management of the coastal and marine resources of PNG. A survey conducted amongst participants showed that they saw the primary role of the WLF as being a forum for women, and to enable consultation amongst women leaders. They identified the top 3 issues PNG WLF should focus going forward as: Natural Resource Management; Social Development and Consultation and Cooperation.
The event was convened by The Nature Conservancy’s PNG program, supported by the German and Australian Government, in collaboration with the PNG National Government and the Manus Provincial Government. It involved other partners including the PNG Women in Business Foundation, the National Council of Women, the Provincial Council of Women, and the PEDF.
Co-funded by Australian government and WWF's corporate partner John West Australia to improve livelihoods and food security of coastal fishing communities in Madang Province, PNG. Innovative approaches to sustainable fisheries and fisheries management, linked to empowering women. Includes micro-finance and revolving loans for women to help develop small business opportunities for local fishing communities.
12 Community Based Organizations (CBOs) with 120 women registered with the People's Micro bank through the micro-finance programme. Worked to establish a process to assist new members open accounts with commercial banks and People’s Micro bank.
CTI-CFF Grassroots Women Leaders’ Small Grant Awards
28 August 2015
As part of the CTI-CFF Women Leaders Forum launch, six grassroots women leaders were honored and awarded a small grant of US$3,000 to carry out marine conservation and sustainability project in their communities. USAID, DOI, CTC supported and managed the grants for PNG, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste while the Asian Development Bank supported the grants for Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines.
CTI-CFF Women Leaders Entrepreneurs’ Roundtable
26 August 2015
Four women leaders from Indonesia participated in roundtable discussion at the sidelines of 4th CTI-CFF Regional Business Forum in August 27, 2015 to inspire and engage women entrepreneurs to successfully catalyze sustainable and environment-friendly businesses that support and sustain marine resources across Indonesia.
By sharing lessons learned and highlighting best practices, the women leaders who each built their sustainable businesses that promote marine and coastal conservation aimed to inspire more women to pursue a similar path.
SI Women Take Lead Role in Natural Resource Management
02 August 2015
Environmental managers from the Solomon Islands gathered in Honiara on August 3, 2015 and agreed to form a network and develop a national work program that will foster closer collaboration among women, offer opportunities to share information, build capacity, and develop livelihood programs where women are supported and empowered to take a central role in environmental issues and actively support the marine conservation and sustainability goals of the Coral Triangle Initiative.
Women Leaders in Biodiversity Forum
20 July 2015
The CTI-CFF Women Leaders Forum, in collaboration with USAID, US Department of Interior, CTI NCC Philippines, Conservation International and Coral Triangle Center, participated in the 3rd Forum on Women Leaders in Biodiversity Conservation held in Manila on July 21, 2015.
The event highlighted the accomplishments of the women leaders to serve as inspiration in promoting biodiversity conservation and environmental law enforcement.
Malaysia Jumpstarts Network for Women Leaders in Marine Conservation
27 March 2015
The CTI-CFF Women Leaders Forum Earth Hour Awareness talk was held in Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia on March 28, 2015. Organized by WWF-Malaysia and supported by USAID, DOI and CTC, the talk had 40 participants and featured four women leaders from the proposed Tun Mustapha Park in Sabah, a globally significant priority conservation area in the Coral Triangle.
WLF in Malaysia hopes to serve as a dynamic peer-learning network that shares best practices in marine resource conservation as well as a platform to build the capacity of women as environmental custodians.
CTI-CFF Women Leaders Forum Roundtable in Papua New Guinea
23 March 2015
The CTI-CFF Women Leaders’ Forum Roundtable was held in Alotau, Milne Bay on March 24, 2015 where 25 women leaders from coastal communities in Papua New Guinea (PNG) committed to work together, share experiences, inspire each other, and find ways to strengthen their capacity in leading marine and coastal resource conservation projects during the first ever gathering of women engaged in marine conservation and sustainable fisheries. During the forum, the women elected focal points and a secretariat for the WLF in PNG. The PNG Conservation and Environment Protection Authority, The Nature Conservancy, USAID-USDOI-CTC organized the forum.
CTI-CFF Women Leaders Forum Basic Training on the Principles of Marine Protected Area Management
02 November 2014
Sixteen women leaders attended a training on marine protected area management on November 3-5, 2014 in Dili, Timor-Leste.
The training was specifically customized for women and used creative ways of knowledge sharing, focused on strengthening the capacity of women from government, community, and non-government organizations to take a more active role in preserving and sustaining Timor-Leste’s unique marine and coastal resources. The women also developed a national network that will help coordinate activities and raise the profile of women leaders involved in marine conservation and management.
CTI-CFF Women Leaders Peer Exchange to the United States
16 April 2014
The US Department of Interior (DOI), with funding from USAID, worked with the Coral Triangle Center (CTC) to host women leaders from the six Coral Triangle countries to participate in a multi-faceted, peer exchange to the U.S. from April –May 2014.
The program involved state-of-the-art leadership training, professional development opportunities, field-based learning, and collaboration with other women leaders. Following the study tour, participants have helped organize and develop the roadmap of the CTI-CFF Women Leaders’ Forum.
Private Partnership in The Solomon Islands
01 January 1970
Co-funded by Australian government and WWF's corporate partner John West Australia to improve livelihoods and food security of coastal fishing communities and small scale and artisanal fishers in Gizo, Western Province, Solomon Islands.
Innovative approaches to sustainable fisheries and fisheries management, linked to empowering women. Includes micro-finance and revolving loans for women to help develop small business opportunities for local fishing communities. Community-based fisheries work includes focus on women’s economic empowerment, recognizing this can help address some underlying socio-economic drivers of unsustainable practices. Micro-savings scheme has 738 savings club members who have saved over USD30,000; with 100 loans granted; and 70 new small businesses started.