H.E Victor Gustaaf Manoppo
- Director General for Marine Spatial Management
- Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Member of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials
- Email: victor.manoppo@kkp.go.id
- Email: sespridirjenprl@kkp.go.id
- Email: sespridirjenprlkkp@gmail.com
- Secretary of Directorate General of Marine Director General for Marine Spatial Management
- Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
- Jakarta, Indonesia
- Focal Point, Indonesia CTi National Coordinating Committee
- Email: hendra.siry@kkp.go.id
- Email: ncc.indonesia@cticff.org
- (021) 3519070 EXT. 7433 – Fax. (021) 3864293
- www.kkp.go.id
Dr. Hendra Yusran Siry

- Secretary General
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability
- Putrajaya, Malaysia
- Member of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials and
- Focal Point, Malaysia CTI National Coordinating Committee
- ching@nres.gov.my
- ctimalaysia@kasa.gov.my
- (603) 03-8091 7003
- www.nres.gov.my

H.E. Jude Tinok Tukuliya
- Acting Managing Director of the Conservation and Environment Protection Authority
- Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
- Member of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials
Ms. Kay Kumaras Kalim
- Director, Sustainable Environment Program
- Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Climate Change
- Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
- Focal Point, Papua New Guinea National CTI Coordinating Committee
- pngctincc@gmail.com
- (+675) 7703 3633
- (+675) 7661 7137
- Papua New Guinea Official Website
- Facebook Page PNGCoralTriangleInitiative

H.E. Atty. Jonas R. Leones
- Undersecretary for Policy, Planning and International Affairs
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources of the Philippines
- Quezon City, the Philippines
- Member of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials
- Officer-In-Charge of Biodiversity Management Bureau
- Department of Environment and Natural Resources of the Philippines
- Quezon City, the Philippines
- Focal Point, Philippines National CTI Coordinating Committee
- director@bmb.gov.ph, adirector@bmb.gov.ph, ph.nccc.secretariat@gmail.com
- (+632) 8926-3011 Ext.203 - 204
- (+632) 8920-4301
- https://www.denr.gov.ph
Asst. Dir. Amelita DJ Ortiz

H.E. Dr. Melchior Mataki
- Permanent Secretary
- Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
- Honiara, Solomon Islands
- Chair of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials
- mmataki@mecdm.gov.sb
- Chief Conservation Officer
- Environment Conservation Division
- Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology
- Honiara, Solomon Islands
- Focal Point, Solomon Islands National CTI Coordinating Committee
- ag.vavekaramui@gmail.com
- (+677) 27062
- (+677) 23031
- http://www.mecdm.gov.sb/
Ms. Agnetha Vave-Karamui

H.E. Acacio Guterres
- Director General for Fisheries
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
- Comoro, Dili Timor Leste
- Vice Chair of CTI-CFF Committee of Senior Officials
- guterres_acacio@yahoo.com
- National Director of Aquaculture
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
- Comoro, Dili Timor Leste
- Focal Point, Timor-Leste National CTI Coordinating Committee
- alcaonapoleao@gmail.com
- (+670) 727 9546
- http://www.gov.east-timor.org/MAFF/
Mr. Horacio Guterres