SUFIA RTI presents PLOCA Survey Results

22 April 2021
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The SUFIA Participatory Local Organizational Capacity Assessment (PLOCA) Survey Results  was presented by SUFIA RTI International during a plenary online meeting on 22 April 2021. The meeting  also presented the recommendations for capacity development activities to strengthen CTI-CFF in the area of compliance, performance and viability; and conduct an introductory session on organizational sustainability.

Apart from the presentation of the PLOCA Survey Result, SUFIA Project-RTI International also presented the results of the other assessments - the Non-US Organization Pre-Award Survey (NUPAS) and Organizational Performance Index (OPI). They also provided an overview of the Organizational Viability and Sustainability.

The PLOCA survey is a continuing activity of the SUFIA project  to enhance the managerial, operational and overall organizational capacity of CTI-CFF.



Photo caption 1: 
Screenshot of the participants of the PLOCA Survey Results Plenary meeting

