Strategic Partners convey support to the finalization of CTI-CFF RPOA 2.0

09 August 2020
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Strategic Partners convey support to the finalization of CTI-CFF RPOA 2.0


Manado, Indonesia 7 August 2020 - The Strategic Partners of the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) have conveyed support to CTI-CFF and the Regional Secretariat and look forward to further collaborating with the Initiative with the refinement, finalization and implementation of the CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action (RPOA 2.0).


As the CTI-CFF works on finalizing its RPOA 2.0, the Strategic Partners namely, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Australian Government, USAID Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID RDMA), Global Environment Facility (GEF), Coral Triangle Center (CTC), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), Conservation International (CI) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) noted the importance of sustainable finance such as a  Regional Conservation Trust Fund (RCTF) for the ongoing vitality of CTI-CFF and a revised RPOA will be an essential foundation for it.


Particularly, the partners conveyed technical assistance to support the RCTF design process.  They also identified the establishment of a trust fund as an important step and encouraged the consideration of blue financing mechanisms beyond grant-based funding. Partners cited debt restructuring, blue bonds and payments for ecosystems services (PES) as examples.


Mr. Martin Callow, Regional Director of Southeast Asian Archipelago of WCS who represented the Strategic Partners also said that RPOA 2.0 would be beneficial if it will be aligned with other international frameworks such as 30x30 marine protected area targets of the post 2020 global biodiversity framework, Sustainable Development Goals,  to which CT6 Member Countries have committed.


“A Leaders Summit would be an important way to generate and demonstrate ongoing CT6 commitment to the CTI,” Mr. Callow said. He further noted that strategic partners believe that the ongoing provision of member countries’ contributions to the Regional Secretariat acts as an important signal to current and potential donors regarding the level of country commitment to the Initiative.


“We believe that the Regional Secretariat (and its staff) perform a significant technical and operational function within CTI-CFF, and we recommend that it is continued to be appropriately invested in by countries, such that it can maintain its core functions- this

is especially important in these complex times of COVID-19, during which unforeseen business and operating challenges have emerged, and donor funds are potentially harder to secure. To reiterate, this continued commitment by member countries to the RS is also essential if the ambitions of the CTI-CFF and RS are to be realised, such as with regards to the previously mentioned RCTF.” Mr. Callow conveyed.





The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI -CFF) is a multilateral partnership of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste (CT6).  The CT6 countries work together to sustain extraordinary marine and coastal resources by addressing crucial issues such as food security, climate change, and marine biodiversity. The CTI-CFF was established formally during the Leaders Summit in 2009 with approval of the leaders from the CT6 countries. They adopted the CTI Regional Plan of Action (CTI RPOA) which is a strategic action plan with five goals: (1) designation of effectively managed seascapes; (2) application of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management; (3) establishment of a fully functional marine protected area system; (4) strengthening climate change adaptation and resilience; and (5) improving the status of threatened marine species.


About Regional Secretariat

The Regional Secretariat (RS) of the CTI-CFF is mandated to promote regional cooperation, knowledge sharing, and learning facilities within the six member countries of the Coral Triangle. The RS coordinates and monitors the progress of the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) goals. The RS coordinates and supports official meetings and events linked to the CTI-CFF process, including cross-cutting services in support of monitoring and evaluation, financial coordination, information management and outreach. It also coordinates the implementation of CTI-CFF RPOA and provides support to, and coordination with, NCCs, including advising the CTI-CSO on emerging opportunities and priorities to reaching the goals and targets of the RPOA. The RS also acts as the channel of communication and information sharing and foster networking among the Parties, CTI Partners and other organizations and donors in the efforts to promote the objectives of the CTI-CFF.  The Regional Secretariat is based in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.



Media Contact:

Janet Rosalie Anne H. Polita

Communication & Information Manager

CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat

Email: or 

Photo caption 1: 
Strategic Partners’ Dialogue during the online back to back meeting of the CTI-CFF Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group (MEWG)
Photo caption 2: 
and CTI-CFF RPOA 2.0 Writeshop. From top left to right: ASec. Ricardo Calderon of the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural Resources; Exec. Dir. Rili Djolani of Coral Triangle Center; Senior Environment Specialist Mr. Arun Abraham of ADB/GEF; Regional Director Martin Callow of WCS; Exec. Dir. Dr. Mohd Kushairi Mohd Rajuddin of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat; Ms. Franca Sprong of GIZ; and Dr. Craig Kirkpatrick of USAID RDMA.

