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SEAFDEC commends CTI-CFF for ongoing development of RPOA 2.0

08 August 2020
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Press Release


SEAFDEC commends CTI-CFF for ongoing development of RPOA 2.0


Manado, Indonesia 7 August 2020 - The Secretary General of Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), Ms. Malinee Smithrithee commended CTI-CFF for the ongoing development of its Regional Plan of Action (RPOA 2.0) as SEAFDEC sees it as another area for furthering collaborative efforts with CTI-CFF through programs and activities that are of interest to CTI-CFF and SEAFDEC Member Countries.


 “We recognize that the benefits from such programs could accelerate the advantages that the CTI and SEAFDEC member countries could gain towards achieving their respective sustainable development goal in the 21st century, especially in the areas of fisheries, and marine resources and habitats development,” Ms. Smithrithee said in her statement sent to CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat during CTI-CFF ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation Working Meeting back to back with RPOA 2.0 Writeshop.


“Let me assure the CTI CFF that the SEAFDEC Technical Departments would jointly cooperate with CTI CFF in the various technical areas targeted by the RPOA 2.0. On behalf therefore of SEAFDEC, let me affirm our commitment to continue supporting the implementation of the CTI CFF programs and activities as well as CTI CFF member countries, especially under the latest version of the RPOA or RPOA 2.0.,” Ms. Smithrithee said.


The CTI-CFF and SEAFDEC entered into a collaborative agreement through an MOU in 2015 signed at Chieng rai Province of Thailand, where the key areas of collaboration include human resource development, research and development, consultancy and information management, and networking.  The collaborative agreement has resulted in a number of collaborative activities which include the regional capacity building on ecosystem approach to fisheries management, sharing of lessons learnt from the implementation of the electronic version of traceability for fish and fishery products through the ASEAN Catch Documentation Scheme, information exchange on the regional fishing vessels records, promotion on the implementation of FAO voluntary guidelines on small-scale fisheries, capacity building program on Port State Measures, RPOA Fishing Capacity, among others.







The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI -CFF) is a multilateral partnership of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste (CT6).  The CT6 countries work together to sustain extraordinary marine and coastal resources by addressing crucial issues such as food security, climate change, and marine biodiversity. The CTI-CFF was established formally during the Leaders Summit in 2009 with approval of the leaders from the CT6 countries. They adopted the CTI Regional Plan of Action (CTI RPOA) which is a strategic action plan with five goals: (1) designation of effectively managed seascapes; (2) application of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management; (3) establishment of a fully functional marine protected area system; (4) strengthening climate change adaptation and resilience; and (5) improving the status of threatened marine species.


About Regional Secretariat

The Regional Secretariat (RS) of the CTI-CFF is mandated to promote regional cooperation, knowledge sharing, and learning facilities within the six member countries of the Coral Triangle. The RS coordinates and monitors the progress of the implementation of the Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) goals. The RS coordinates and supports official meetings and events linked to the CTI-CFF process, including cross-cutting services in support of monitoring and evaluation, financial coordination, information management and outreach. It also coordinates the implementation of CTI-CFF RPOA and provides support to, and coordination with, NCCs, including advising the CTI-CSO on emerging opportunities and priorities to reaching the goals and targets of the RPOA. The RS also acts as the channel of communication and information sharing and foster networking among the Parties, CTI Partners and other organizations and donors in the efforts to promote the objectives of the CTI-CFF.  The Regional Secretariat is based in Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.



Media Contact:

Janet Rosalie Anne H. Polita

Communication & Information Manager

CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat

Email: or 






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