The Regional Secretariat CTI-CFF Team Up with CTI-CFF NCC Indonesia in Conducting the First CTI-CFF Media Luncheon

The first Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) Media Luncheon was held on 8 September 2017 which remarked as the precious moment in building relationship with leading media in Indonesia. The event was organized by Regional Secretariat and CTI-CFF National Coordinating Committee (NCC) Indonesia under the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Republic of Indonesia.
The first Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) Media Luncheon was held on 8 September 2017 which remarked as the precious moment in building relationship with leading media in Indonesia. The event was organized by Regional Secretariat and CTI-CFF National Coordinating Committee (NCC) Indonesia under the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), Republic of Indonesia.
CTI-CFF Executive Director Widi A. Pratikto said that media has a big role in educating the public in disseminating information. This meeting is expected to be a medium of information exchange related to the strategic role of CTI-CFF in encouraging the efforts in marine conservation, sustainable fisheries, and food security at the regional level.
In this event, fourteen national media based in Jakarta attended the event and discussed enthusiastically with the speakers. The three respective speakers included Mr. Brahmantya Satyamurti Poerwadi, ST., Director General for Marine Spatial Management, MMAF ; Mr. M. Zulficar Mochtar, ST., M.Sc., Chairman at Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Human Resources Development, MMAF and Mrs. Nur Masripatin M.For. Sc, Director General of Climate Change Ministry of Enviroment and Forestry Republic of Indonesia.