Regional Secretariat Continues its Effort to Strengthen The Coordination at National and Regional Level

19 September 2017
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Medy Kesuma Putra

The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) Regional Secretariat officially represented by Executive Director Dr. Widi A. Pratikto conducted several meetings with CTI-CFF National Coordinating Committee (NCC) Indonesia. The meeting aimed at strengthening coordination on RPOA implementation and progresses achieved.

The first meeting was with M. Zulficar Mochtar, ST., M.Sc, Head of Research and Human Resource of Marine and Fisheries (BPSDM KP), MMAF. The meeting discussed among others on establishment of CTI-CFF University Partnership and BPSDM KP in order to find out support for each respective institution. Mr. Zulficar showed his strong support since he is also Chair of Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) of CTI-CFF NCC Indonesia.

Fig.1. Widi A. Pratikto, Ph.D, CTI-CFF Executive Director had a meeting with M. Zulficar Mochtar, ST., M.Sc, Head of Research and Human Resource of Marine and Fisheries, MMAF and staffs.

The second meeting was with Mr. Brahmantya Satyamurti Poerwadi, S.T (Director General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries). The meeting was intended to improve coordination at the national and regional level to implement CTI-CFF activities by strengthening the relationship between the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat and CTI-CFF NCC Indonesia.

The meeting also discussed about the next 13th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM 13), including agenda proposals on marine debris issue, CTI-CFF Summit 2018 conduct, as well as the progress of CTI-CFF Governance Working Group.

Executive Director, Dr. Widi A Pratikto, Ph.D suggested and expected the NCC Indonesia to bring the agenda proposal of marine debris to be inserted as part of Cross Cutting Themes on the 13th SOM.

Fig. 2. Widi A. Pratikto. Ph.D, CTI-CFF Executive Director had a meeting with Brahmantya Satyamurti Poerwadi, S.T (Director General of Marine Spatial Management, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries) and NCC-Indonesia in Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

The third meeting was with Anang Noegroho Setyo Moeljono, M.E.M (the Director of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning Agency) in the discussion of Financial Resources Working Group (FRWG) of CTI-CFF point of views.

The Regional Secretariat asked Mr. Anang Noegroho, the Chair of CTI-CFF FRWG to continue his leadership in the respective group and to seek expertise support from Ms. Mareena Binti Mahpudz from Minister of Science and Technology/MOSTI of Malaysia whose seasonal experiences in financial sector.

Fig.3. The CTI-CFF Executive Director, Widi A. Pratikto Ph.D conducted a meeting with Anang Noegroho, M.E.M., the Director of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) to discuss about the Financial Resources Working Project Group (FRWG) of CTI-CFF.

Fig.4. Widi A. Pratikto, Ph.D had a meeting with Dr. Gellwynn Hamzah along with Dr. Arifin Rudiyanto as the Secretary of Minister and Deputy of Maritime and Natural Resources, Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning, Agency.

Furthermore, the Executive Director of CTI-CFF passed a formal invitation to Mr. Anang Noegroho to attend the Pre-Senior Officials’ Meeting (Pre-SOM) which will be held in November in Manila, Philippines.

The meeting discussed among others CTI-CFF University Partnership's role in establishing capacity building in Coral Triangle region, as well as follow up and progress update on Government Working Group (GWG) & Financial Resources Working Group (FRWG). Including, other matters related to cooperation between the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat and CTI-CFF National Coordination Committee/NCC Indonesia and the recognition of CTI-CFF roles cooperation in national, regional and international scopes.

