Message from the CTI-CFF RS ED on International Day of Tropics

01 July 2021
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CTI-CFF joins tropical countries and nations around the world in the celebration of International Day of The Tropics. The vast and valuable resources of the tropical region will continue to contribute and play a significant role in the global economic activity. The increasing number of marine protected areas in this region ensures the protection of threatened and rare species as well as the ecosystem as a whole. It allows marine resources to recover and sustain. However, the continuing challenges faced by this region such as overpopulation, climate change, disaster resilience, public health care and poverty among others cannot be overlooked. Hence, it is critical that well-developed and sustainable solutions and actions are created, and manage for this important region to thrive and continue to sustain in the future.

Photo caption 1: 
Raja Ampat, Indonesia Photo by Alex Rose on Unsplash

