Manado Hosts Coral Triangle Initiative 2nd Regional Priority Workshop (RPW) Meeting

23 August 2013
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The Government of Indonesia through its National Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) Coordination Committee hosted the 2nd CTI-CFF Regional Priorities Workshop on August 20-22, 2013 in Manado, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The CTI-CFF Interim Regional Secretariat organized and conducted this event in collaboration with CTI-CFF NCCs, Technical and Governance Working Groups and Partners.

The 2nd RPW is designed to report and review progress toward completion of 2010 identified
Regional Priorities Actions and National Plan of Action implementation including bilateral and regional projects. In addition, there were discussions and refinement to Technical and Governance Working Groups, and cross-cutting proposed priorities in a holistic CTI-CFF regional context. Part of Workshop’s agenda was to develop the scope, implementation plan and teams for executing the proposed 2013 Regional Priority Actions and Activities.

The outputs from the 2nd CTI-CFF Regional Priority Workshop will be presented for approval to the CTI-CFF Senior Officials’ Meeting to be held later in the second week of November 2013 in the Philippines and will serve as a common CTI-CFF Regional Workplan for CT6 countries and CTI-CFF Partners. Participants to the CTI-CFF Regional Priority Workshop included technical leaders from the CT6 Governments, the CTI-CFF Technical and Governance Working Groups, CTI-CFF Partner governments and non-governments, and invited technical experts. In addition, other organizations which may potentially be CTI-CFF’s partners in the futures also joined such as GIZ, JICA, FAO, UNEP, CTC, SEAFDEC, SPREP, WorldFish Center,and VSO.

Photo: Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sharif Cicip Sutardjo with the representatives of the CTI-CFF in Manado. Credit: MMAF


