Marine Protected Area (MPA) Technical Regional Exchange (REX) and the MPA Technical Working Group (TWG)


7 - 10 October 2024

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The III Learning Exchange Workshop for CTI-CFF Between MPA Managers from Southeast Asia and the Atlantic Back-to-back with the MPA WG Meeting and the Training on the Resilience Self-Assessment Tool (R-SAT) for MPAs

03 July 2023
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The Resilience Partnership, a vital component of the EU-funded Ocean Governance Project, addresses the pressing challenge of resilience in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Rapid changes induced by climate change, development, and human activities necessitate adaptive management practices. To tackle this, the Resilience Partnership introduces a toolkit, including the Resilience Self-Assessment Tool (R-SAT), designed to assess the resilience capacity of MPAs and their managers.

The upcoming training program focuses on the R-SAT, aiming to equip MPA managers and stakeholders with a nuanced understanding of its components and implementation. Participants, including MPA managers from Coral Triangle countries and MPA TWG focal points, will engage in theoretical sessions covering the Ocean Governance program, resilience concepts, and the R-SAT tool.

Practical sessions will include hands-on exercises facilitating self-assessments, interpretation of results, and discussions on future applications of the R-SAT tool. The trainers, proficient in French, English, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, ensure accessibility for a diverse audience. This training serves as a crucial step in fortifying the resilience of MPAs in the face of dynamic environmental challenges.