Free access on the top 20 Most Downloaded Articles from Coastal Management

07 April 2016
Uploaded By: 
Kirana Agustina

Coastal Management- The international journal of marine environment, resources, law and society- is providing complimentary access until May 31st to the twenty most-read articles published since 2014, which seven papers are on Coral Triangle Initiative issues.

The papers include:

  1. 1. Developing Marine Protected Area Networks in the Coral Triangle: Good Practices for Expanding the Coral Triangle Marine Protected Area System
  2. 2. Marine Protected Areas in the Coral Triangle: Progress, Issues, and Options
  3. 3. Linking Food Security with Coral Reefs and Fisheries in the Coral Triangle
  4. 4. Establishing a Functional Region-Wide Coral Triangle Marine Protected Area System
  5. 5. Designing Marine Reserves for Fisheries Management, Biodiversity Conservation, and Climate Change Adaptation
  6. 6. How Are Our MPAs Doing? Challenges in Assessing Global Patterns in Marine Protected Area Performance
  7. 7. Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Adaptation Planning to Build Adaptive Capacity: A Structured Learning Approach

Read these exceptional articles for free and get updated on management tools and techniques as well as recent findings from research and analysis, through this link :…/ucmg-top-read-articles

Enjoy reading!

