The Financial Resources Working Group (FRWG) of the CTI-CFF conducted a two-day virtual meeting on 28-29 April 2020

04 May 2020
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The Financial Resources Working Group (FRWG) of the CTI-CFF conducted a two-day virtual meeting to discuss the progress of RPOA 2.0 and review the draft CTI-CFF Financial Strategic Plan on 28-29 April 2020.
Dir. Andre Omer Siregar, FRWG Chair and Director of Asia Pacific Africa Interregional Intraregional Cooperation of Indonesia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted in his message that despite the challenges of COVID-19, the FRWG recognizes the importance of the meeting to address the recommemdations of the 15th CTI-CFF Senior Officials Meeting and further identify how the group can bring up the CTI-CFF programs.
He also stressed the importance of being adaptive to the current situation and continue to keep delivering the purpose of the working group.Dr. Mohd Kushairi Mohd Rajuddin, Executive Director of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat expressed hope that the discussion on alternative financing mechanisms and plans will guide CTI-CFF to take steps towards achieving financial capabilities to fund its activities.
Dr. Mohd Kushairi stressed that all means including upgrading internet connection facilities are being sought for to enable web meetings encompassing RS and CT6 countries be implemented to encounter the inability to carry out normal physical presence in-person meetings due to COVID-19 outbreaks.

