Finalization of the draft RPOA 2.0 progresses

25 March 2021
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CT6 member countries continue to meet to discuss the finalization of the draft Regional Planof Action (RPOA 2.0). As of March 2021, the CTI-CFF Monitoring and Evaluation Working Group has agreed on most of the three (3) objectives A, B and C and their identified Targets, Outcomes and Outputs. Further, 16 out of the 18 Regional Activities identified have been agreed upon along with majority of their outcomes and outputs. The CT6 member countries have yet to discuss and finalize the institutional framework, the Strategic Financial Plan, Implementation Plan and the Strategic Communication Plan which are crucial for the RPOA2.0 implementation. The next RPOA 2.0 Writeshop is scheduled for 6-7 April 2021.

