Endangered Sea Turtle Population in the Coral Triangle on the Rise

20 February 2012
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A record number of 1.44 million endangered green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) eggs were laid last year in Baguan Island, southern Philippines - achieving an all-time high since 1984. Factoring life expectancy rates, the eggs are expected to grow into 13,000 adult s ea turtles and boost a dwindling population classified as endangered under the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.

The expected increase in sea turtle population supports the goals of the CTI-CFF to improve the status of threatened species and is a direct result of conservation, enforcement and community engagement in the area implemented through USAID’s Coral Triangle Support Partnership and Conservation International. Baguan is one of the nine islands that comprise the Turtle Islands Heritage Protected Area in the Coral Triangle and jointly managed by Malaysia and the Philippines. The marine resource management programs in Baguan includes strengthening the capacity of the Philippine Navy and Coast Guard to enforce rules against sea turtle poaching; engaging local communities through conservation agreements; introducing alternative livelihood programs to reduce dependency on marine resources; and the facilitation of bilateral eco-tourism development in the area. To see more photos of the turtles and there nesting ground follow this link.

Caption:  A green see turtle laying eggs in Baguan
Credit: A.G Sano/Conservation International

