CTI-CFF Project Mapping Tool Introduced

11 April 2013
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An online tool that provides a visual glimpse of all Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) related projects in the region present was presented to CTI-CFF government representatives and development partners at a workshop on April 10-11, 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The  tool is a regional level map of CTI-CFF related projects implemented since 2009 and provides basic project information including location, implementing agency, goals, donors and funding sources, project contact, , implementation period, among others. It also groups projects by goals in the Regional Plan of Action. It aims to aid CTI National Coordinating Committees and Development Partners in setting priorities, maximizing available funds, avoiding duplication of efforts .and identify possible synergies.

The tool, developed by ADB’s CTI Southeast Asia program in collaboration with the CTI National Coordinating Committees, was initially presented at the 8th Senior Officials Meeting in 2012 and is currently being pilot tested in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. 

During the workshop, Indonesia National Coordinating Committee Executive Secretary Mr. Victor Nikijuluw expressed his full support to promoting knowledge management in the CTI and his desire to introduce the tools to stakeholders outside the capital. “Knowledge is power,” he said. “We have to share the KM tools with those people outside Jakarta especially those in the local areas.”

Follow this link to find out more about the  mapping tool.

