CTI-CFF Participates in Global Marine and Coastal Issues Meetings
Cape Town, South Africa, 27 November – 1 December 2017
#The 1st Meeting: “Building International Partnership Meeting to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance in the Context of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” – 27-28 November 2017
#The 2nd Meeting: “The 19th Annual Large Marine Ecosystem and Coastal Partners Meeting” – 29 November-1 December 2017
The two respective meetings have brought unity in participants’ perspectives i.e. the emerging challenges in safeguarding the world’s marine and coastal resources need extra efforts and collaborative works across regions. The partnership is the key. However, to realize an integrated one, a multi-discipline actionable commitment is needed.
During the five-day meeting, participants and facilitators have tried to find the common challenges, opportunities and the best solutions in addressing the current problems. Not just about scientific-based approaches, but also how to implement the programs/projects in a practical manner that can be achieved by international organizations, government, and at grassroots levels i.e. the communities/group of communities.
As it was said by Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary, IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission) UNESCO that “The challenge of sustainable management of the ocean is global, but in order to achieve it, one has to act regionally. Only the regional scale is feasible to effectively engage key players, such as stakeholders in governance, fisheries, and of course, scientists. A partnership between Regional Seas, Large Marine Ecosystems and Fisheries offer the most logical and effective way forward.”
The first meeting comprised of 7 (seven) sessions and concluded some important final notes:
- Cross-sectoral, science-based ecosystem approaches are needed to support the regional ocean governance by strengthening coordination and collaboration between/among Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) programmes, Regional Seas Programmes and Regional Fisheries Management Organizations.
- Information sharing amongst national, regional, and international institutions must become a priority to seize opportunities for cooperation
While the second meeting was a 3-day convention (including 1-day field visit to Robben Island, the Marine Protected Area), The 19th Annual Large Marine Ecosystem and Coastal Partners Meeting has a goal to:
- Share experiences and lessons with respect to ecosystem-based governance of the oceans by engaging GEF-funded marine, coastal, biodiversity and coastal climate change adaptation project leaders in support of meeting the objectives of the GEF LME: LEARN project.
The second meeting also comprised of 7 (seven) sessions and have some breakout sessions to discuss and find solutions on (that related with CTI-CFF working regions):
- Discuss possible activities that working groups could undertake in the future
- Explore possibilities to intensify the activities of the regional networks
While the field trip to Robben Island was a technical visit to demonstration site that showcases integrated coastal management, marine protected area, and large marine ecosystem management issues, as well as local innovations and best practices aimed at addressing those issues and results. Participants will engage in simulation exercise on specific management questions as part of the visit
More than 130 participants from 40 countries attended the event in Cape Town. They represent UN agencies, a variety of international organizations, the private sector, NGOs and representatives from national governments around the world to promote partnerships for sustaining the ocean.
CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat perceived the 2 events as solid platforms not only in exchanging information and knowledge on marine and coastal resources and conservation, but also strengthening CTI-CFF participation in the international fora.
More than 130 participants attended the 2 events on “Building International Partnership to Enhance Science-Based Ecosystem Approaches in Support of Regional Ocean Governance” and “The 19th Annual Large Marine Ecosystem and Coastal Partners Meeting” organized together by GEF, IOC, UNDP, UN Environment, and FAO in Cape Town, South Africa – 27 November – 1 December 2017.
Written by Andie Wibianto