The EAFM Technical Working Group Online Preparatory Meeting


10 - 10 February 2025

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05 August 2016
Uploaded By: 
Kirana Agustina

Process and Output Documentation

Jakarta, 28-29 January 2016


Supported by:



The US Government through USAID together with the Government of Australia have provided initial technical and financial support for the development of various CTI-CFF platforms (including branding) and outreach resources in early 2011.  

Upon the establishment of the Permanent Regional Secretariat last April 2015 and following the decisions made during the 11th Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM-11), the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat conducted a workshop to pursue and continue the work that has been done earlier to maintain the standards set by the Development Partners and move towards building a comprehensive communication and branding strategy for the Coral Triangle Initiative. 

This 2-day workshop is one of the Coordination Mechanism Working Group (CMWG) tasks assigned by the CTI Council of Senior Officers during SOM-11 and is meant to introduce and familiarize the Regional Secretariat’s personnel on the management of all the communication and outreach activities in the past. More importantly, the workshop aimed to identify and finalize the 2016 work plan towards the completion of the CTI-CFF Communication Strategy.

By the end of the workshop, the participants had a greater understanding on CTI-CFF mission, values, identity and image and embraced a common brand identity to create organizational cohesion and reinforce shared values to portray and communicate to external audiences. It was also an opportunity to update the Communication Strategy and developed the 2016 Communication Work Plan, the CTI-CFF outreach guide and the continued development of CTI-CFF branding and marking protocols based on the UN guidelines as reference.

Resource Persons

Resource persons from World Wildlife Fund and from the Coral Triangle Center, Mr. Paolo Mangahas and Miss Leilani Gallardo respectively, were very kind and generous to share their knowledge, experiences and expertise on communication approaches and its tools. Both of them have been involved with CTI-CFF for many years working as communication specialist in their respective organizations and have been instrumental in the initial stages of developing the communication tools and strategy of CTI-CFF.



Active engagement from the participants in addressing the questions from the workshop facilitator.

Participants share a happy moment, which marks the closing of an insightful 2-day workshop.

Since then, the process of updating the Communication Strategy and the Branding Guidelines has been an on-going one. These documents shall be distributed to all CMWG members prior to the CMWG meeting for approval and final recommendations to SOM-12. It is hoped that the CTI-COM shall endorse and adopt these documents during the 6th Ministerial Meeting for implementation.


SOM-11 Chairman Summary Decision 10.1.c. “Tasked the Regional Secretariat to continue developing the branding strategy for project development and fund-raising pursuit”.


