Monitoring & Evaluation Working Group Event


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Audited Financial Statements of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat Year Ended 31 December 2015

01 April 2016
Uploaded By: 
Andie Wibianto

Pursuant to the Senior Officals' Meeting (SOM)-11 decision and The Agreement on the Establishment of the Regional Secretariat (Financial Regulations - Regulations 12 (1) regarding External Audit, which reads: "The CTI CSO shall appoint Auditor who shall be the Auditor-General or equivalent statutory authority from a Party or an internationally recognized independent auditor with experience in the audit of international organizations."....................... - we have the honor to submit the financial statements of the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat for the year of 2015 ended in 31 December 2015, which has been approved. 

This is the first an audited financial statement that was mandated by 11th Senior Officials’ Meeting to enhance CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat that reflects both its financial health and potential for sustainable success. The organizational development is reflected in the start of the operation of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat since the appointment of the Executive Director since the start of the operation of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat in April 2015.

The independent Auditor Firm, Johan Malonda as one of the approved Audit Firm by OIG (Office of Inspectorate General - US Agency for International Development), is selected to examine the financial accountability through fair bidding, has provided the result accompanying financial statements presented fairly. All material respected to the financial statements, financial performance and cash flows for the end of the year, in accordance with Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards.

We highly appreciate CTI-CFF National Coordinating Committee (NCC), CTI-Committee of Senior Officials’, and CTI-CFF Development Partners for the endless support to CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat.




