13th International Coral Reef Symposium, HAWAII, 19-24 June, 2016

24 June 2016
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Kirana Agustina

Executive Director of CTI-CFF, Widi A. Pratikto Ph.D delivered a presentation during the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) in Honolulu, Hawaii last 19-24, June 2016.

Executive Director of CTI-CFF delivered a presentation during the 13th ICRS 



In regards the theme of the 13th ICRS “Bridging Science to Policy”, the CTI-CFF Executive Director – Widi A. Pratikto delivered a paper entitled “Boosting Coral Reef Conservation through Regional Collaboration: A Lesson learned from Regional CTI-CFF Partnership”. The presentation highlighted CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat’s crucial role to foster and build strong collective efforts towards the promotion of coral reef conservation by the stakeholders in the Coral Triangle region to ensure the prosperity, maintain sovereignty of each country, and sustainability of resources.

Side meetings

The consultation meeting on the draft reports on marine conservation priorities in the Coral Triangle with the European Commission


On the sideline of the event, the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat’s delegation; Mr. Widi A. Pratikto Ph.D., together with Dr. Muhammad Lukman, Head of Technical Program also conducted important activities and meetings, such as: sideline meeting with Dr. Helen Fox, CTI-CFF Technical Advisor on potential support and cooperation from European Union (EU); meeting with Prof. Terry Hughes and Prof. Peter Mumby to explore potential partnerships and support from James Cook University and University of Queensland, Australia respectively; visit to the State Capital Building for a meet-and-great with Mr. Gebe Ward – Hawaii Senator and other prominent officers; participated in the Leadership Summit; official visit to Conservation International (CI) office; Women Leaders' Forum event; and site visit with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) to Hanauma Bay.

“It has been an eventful and satisfying work meetings for the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat towards creating new partnerships,” said Widi A. Pratikto.


Regional Secretariat, CTC and LGN members meet and greet with Mr. Gebe Ward – Hawaii Senator and other prominent officers at the State Capital Building


