5th CTI-CFF Seascapes Working Group Meeting Bandara International Hotel Soekarno-Hatta Airport Area Jl. Prof. Dr.Ir. Sedyatmo KM 02, Pajang, Benda Kota Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia

Start: 18 October 2018
End: 19 October 2018
Status: Confirmed

About This Event


The CTI-CFF Regional Plan of Action (RPOA) was designed to leverage and coordinate action and investment across this vast expanse of ocean space. Goal 1 of the RPOA is “’Priority Seascapes’ Designated and Effectively Managed.” This Goal directs CTI-CFF countries to prioritize large-scale geographies for investment and action and expand the use of best practices in these areas. Under this Goal, the first target includes ‘Priority Seascapes Designated, with Investment Plans Completed and Sequenced’. The Sulu Sulawesi Seascape was the first and only Priority Seascape already endorsed.  

Seascapes are areas in which the management and conservation of natural resources can coexist to provide a pathway towards sustainable economic development. The integrative nature of seascapes allows for the pursuit of a multitude of commitments, targets and goals to improve ecological and socio-economic well-being. A range of planning tools can be utilized to pursue seascapes. Investment in achieving the elements of seascapes will help the CTI countries meet both international and national level commitments and targets.

During the SOM 13 held in Manila on November 2017, one of the Seascapes related decisions endorsed was the decision “Support the continued progress of the Lesser Sunda and the Bismarck Solomon Sea Ecoregion (BSSE) towards “priority seascape” nomination”. This recommendation was also included in the Work Plan of the Seascapes Working Group 2018.  

Following up the SOM 13 decision, a multilateral meeting was held at Jakarta on 20 April 2018 in order to continue the nomination progress of the Lesser Sunda and BSSE as Priority Seascapes. Setting the target of endorsing and adopting the Lesser Sunda and Bismarck Solomon Seas Ecoregion as Priority Seascapes in the upcoming SOM 14 this year, there are several steps need to be fulfilled to meet the procedures for trans-boundary Priority Seascapes designation, as suggested  in the document of Seascapes General Model and Regional Framework for Priority Seascapes.  

Another Seascapes related decisions during the SOM 13 was “Task the Seascapes Working Group to finalize the Updated Rules of  Procedure in time for SOM 14”. This document is essential to play as a guidance for decision making process within the Sescapes Working Group in the future.   

In addition, the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape Convergence Meeting held in Cebu - Philippines on July 2018 highlighted another concern on the needs of creating sub-regional working groups under the structure of Seascapes Working Group for each of the priority seascape, namely Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape, also Lesser Sunda and BSSE once adopted at the SOM14.  

Organizers/Host of Events

  1. Indonesian Coordinating Ministry of Maritime Affairs
  2. Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries 

CTI-CFF wishes to convey its deepest appreciation to the Australian Government for supporting the activity.  

List of Attendees

  1. NCCs and SWG Parties from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor Leste,
  2. Regional Secretariat of CTI-CFF
  3. Embassy of Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea, and Solomon Islands in Jakarta
  4. Development partners & collaborators 



This event aims to bring together Seascapes TWG focal points from CT6 countries as well as development partners and collaborators to:

  1. Follow up and evaluate the nomination of Lesser Sunda and BSSE as CTI-CFF priority seascapes
  2.  Finalize the Rules of Procedure of the CTI-CFF Seascapes Working Group, including the proposed coordination structure for each of the priority seascape under the Seascapes WG


Provisional Agenda

Time Agenda

Person in Charge/Facilitator


Wednesday, 17 October 2018: Arrival of Participants
Day 1: Thursday, 18 October 2018
08.30-09.00 Registration Organizer  
09.00-09.10 Remarks Acting Executive Director of CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat  
09.10-09.25 Opening remarks Chair of SWG  
09.25-09.30 Introduction of participants Chair of SWG  
09.30-09.35 Review & approval of provisional agenda Chair of SWG  
09.35-10.00 Group photo and coffee break    
  Session 1    
10.00-10.15 Presentation on the progress made toward the nomination of Lesser Sunda and BSSE as priority seascapes SWG Indonesia  
10.15-10.35 Response from PNG on BSSE Chair of SWG Each country is expected to give comments and inputs to support the nomination the priority seascapes.
10.35-10.55 Response from Solomon Islands on BSSE Chair of SWG
10.55-11.15 Response from Timor Leste on Lesser Sunda Chair of SWG
11.15-12.00 Discussion Chair of SWG
12.00-13.30 Lunch break    
  Session 2    
13.30-15.00 SWG evaluate the nominated priority seascapes Chair of SWG  
15.00-15.15 Coffee break    
  Session 3    
15.15-16.30 SWG approve and endorsed Lesser Sunda and BSSE as priority seascapes (or not) Chair of SWG  
Day 2: Friday, 19 October 2018
  Session 4    
08.30-08.45 Present the results of Convergenve Meeting on the idea of sub-working groups of Sulu-Sulawesi, Lesser Sunda, and BBSE under the SWG structure Chair of SWG This was the recommendation of Convergence Meeting in Cebu on July 2018
08.45-09.30 Discussion    
09.30-09.45 Coffee break    
  Session 5    
09.45-10.00 Present the Draft Rules of Procedure of the CTI-CFF Seascapes Working Group Chair of SWG  
10.00-11.00 Country inputs and discussion Chair of SWG  
11.00-12.00 Finalize the Rules of Procedure of the CTI-CFF Seascapes Working Group Chair of SWG  
12.00-12.30 Outcome and closing remarks Chair of SWG  
12.30-finished Lunch (provided)    
18.00-finished Dinner (provided)    

List of Attendances

(*) Need Confirmation


Bandara International Hotel

Soekarno-Hatta Airport Area
Jl. Prof. Dr.Ir. Sedyatmo KM 02, Pajang, Benda
Kota Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia 19110 
Phone: +62 21 5597777