The CCA Technical Working Group Online Meeting


31 - 1 February 2025

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Date: 25 October 2021
End Date: 3 November 2021
Status: Closed



of Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs,

Fisheries and Food Security

Sustainable Fish Asia Project (SUFIA) 

Local Capacity Development Activity (LCDA) Project


The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) aims to sustain marine and coastal resources by addressing crucial issues such as food security, climate change, and marine biodiversity in the coral triangle region. Based on the outcomes of the organizational capacity assessments conducted with USAID Sustainable Fish Asia (SUFIA) Local Capacity Development Activity, CTI-CFF has proposed for capacity development and strengthening support towards enhancing our capacities for strengthened compliance to USAID’s requirements as a Public International Organization. In addition, implementation of this proposed plan will also enhance CTI-CFF and RS’s capacity and performance in serving our constituents, working toward our mission to achieve results, and increase our viability to grow and diversify resources through effective partner engagement.


The outcomes of this project through this subaward (Capacity Strengthening Initiative or CSI) will contribute towards achievement of the goals of USAID Sustainable Fish Asia (SUFIA) Local Capacity Development Activity to strengthen capacities of regional fisheries organization, specifically CTI-CFF, as a Public International Organization and a stronger partner of USAID in sustainable fisheries management in the region, particularly in combatting Illegal, Unregulated and Undocumented (IUU) fishing. This will complement the on-going capacity building activities to be conducted by SUFIA to enhance performance and strengthen viability and partnerships.


One of the total major work plan activities is to strengthen the Human Resources Management in the CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat to incorporate principles of transparency, non-discrimination, ethics, and gender equality integration and social inclusion (GESI), with sub-activities as follows:


a. Enhance an effective Human Resources and Staff Time Management:

- Participate in training on Human Resources Management and Staff Time Management

- Conduct in-house training on Staff Time Management

- Develop and/update relevant HR documents such as on Staff Time Management (Time Sheet)

- and Employee Handbook

- Pilot testing of the Time Sheet

b. Create and/or update policies, practices, and forms for ethics and social inclusion:

- Develop policies and procedures on Ethics and Social Inclusion such as Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, Conflict of Interest, and Anti-Fraud,

- Conduct in-house training to CTI-CFF Regional Secretariat staff on these documents, and establish a system of transparency and accountability by regularly training and informing staff on these documents,

- Seek staff commitment to adhere to these policies by attending the training annually and signing them,

- File the signed documentations with the personnel file of the Staff.

TOR - Sufia HR Consultant-Rev.pdf142.44 KB

