10th Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Technical Regional Exchange (REX) and MPA Technical Working Group (TWG) Meeting


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Activity Report: Coral Triangle International Conference & 1st General Assembly of Local Government Network

Document Date: 03 June 2016
Author: RS CTI-CFF


The 1st CTI-CFF Maritime Local Government Network International Conference was conducted on June 3, 2016 in Wakatobi, Indonesia. The conference was part of the CTI-CFF LGN General Assembly. This event was simultaneously joined and commenced with International Workshop on the Role of Local Governments in Implementing the Lima Action Plan for Biosphere Reserves (UNESCO-MAB) and ASWINDO Workshop on Supporting Marine Tourism Acceleration. Six (6) speakers presented in the conference namely: Mr. Gita Elliot, Mayor of Alotau, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea; and Mr. Selwyn Vasuni, Provincial Secretary of Isabel Provincial Government, Isabel Province, Ferdinanda J. Louhenapessy, Head of Fisheries Department, Ambon Municipality, Indonesia; Mrs. Made Arnika, Head of Fisheries Department, Buleleng Regency, Indonesia; Abdul Haviedz, Head of Division of Planning and Development Agency Fakfak Regency, Indonesia; and Dr. Bernadia Irawati Tjandradewi, Secretary General, United Cities of Local Governments Asia Pacific, Jakarta, Indonesia. This training attended by ten (10) local government representatives across Coral Triangle region, four (4) CTI-CFF Local Government Network partners, and six (6) others organizations.

There was five (5) topics presented in the conference, namely:

  1. Marine Ecotourism and Sustainable Business Development (Green Growth & Blue Economy),
  2. Integrated Waste and Water Management (Best Practices),
  3. Local Governments Roles in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation,
  4. Public Private Partnership (Best Practices)
  5. Organization Principles in Local Governments

During the conference, participants involved in interesting discussion the topics given. Due to the enactment of Act Number 23/2014 in Indonesia, the local government unit needs to hand over their right of managing 4 miles waters to the higher authority, in this case provincial authority. The other issues discussed were the implementation of good maritime governance principles including local development planning that address those emerging issues on marine environmental challenges. Then, the conference also shared strategic approach and practical experience among the LG in engaging or implementing public private partnership.