Marine Protected Area (MPA) Technical Regional Exchange (REX) and the MPA Technical Working Group (TWG)


7 - 10 October 2024

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The Workshop on Knowledge Exchange on Sustainable Financing Back- to-Back with Financial Resources Working Group (FRWG) Meeting

Start: 06 November 2024
End: 08 November 2024
Status: Confirmed

About This Event


Objective of the Workshop:

Under Objective 3 of the USAID Sustainable Coral Triangle, Expected Result 3.2, the aim is to develop, refine, and implement the Coral Triangle Conservation Fund’s (CTCF’s) guidelines, tools, and mechanisms. Specifically, Activity 3.2.1 involves conducting a Workshop Knowledge Exchange on Sustainable Financing regarding CTCF, focusing on private sector engagement, partnerships, understanding blue finance, and financial basics.

After the workshop is completed, all participants from CT6 will use the skill to help RS identify the best financial solutions for the implementation of the RPOA 2.0. A consultant will be engaged separately after that to conduct feasibility studies on the proposed solutions based on the outcomes of this workshop.

This activity aligns with RPOA 2.0 Output A1.2.1.a, which focuses on preparing and

distributing feasibility assessments of innovative sustainable financial measures. The indicators under Output Indicator A1.2.1.a include:

● # of feasibility assessments of innovative sustainable financial measures/options (e.g., Payment for ecosystem services) explored and accepted for finance opportunities by 2023.

● # of meetings/consultations with CT6 and partners to explore the concept of environmental funds (endowment, sinking fund, revolving fund, cess) by the private sector by 2023.

This workshop on Knowledge Exchange on Sustainable Financing, which may be combined with the CTI-CFF FRWG meeting, aims to enhance the understanding and implementation of innovative sustainable financial measures in the Coral Triangle region. By engaging experts and stakeholders, the workshop will contribute to the sustainable management of marine biodiversity and fisheries resources, aligning with the goals of USAID Sustainable Coral Triangle and the RPOA 2.0.

Provisional Agenda

Please refer to the attached documents

Documents and Attachments

List of Attendances

(*) Need Confirmation


Manila, Philippines