The CCA Technical Working Group Online Meeting


31 - 1 February 2025

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Consultative Workshop on Resource Mobilization for the post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Start: Tue, 14/01/2020 (All day)
End: Thu, 16/01/2020 (All day)
Status: Confirmed

About This Event

The thematic workshop on resource mobilization will be a critical opportunity to enhance mutual understanding, identify areas of common understanding, and clarify expectations ahead of the negotiations at the formal meetings of the Convention.

 The thematic workshop is an expert meeting aiming at providing Co-Chairs of the Working on Post-2020 with concrete and constructive inputs for consideration in their future work on the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.  It builds on the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, lessons learned from their  implementation and current state of the art in this area of work while also identifying issues that are not included in Aichi biodiversity Targets;



Concrete proposals to be considered in the further development of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. To the extent feasible and appropriate, these proposals will cover the different elements of the framework including targets, indicators and baselines, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Implementation at its third meeting and the Working Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

Workshop summary would be submitted to the Co-Chairs of the Working Group, the second meeting of the Working Group on Post-2020 and would, together with the outcomes of the second meeting of the Working group, assist the panel of experts to (a) revise their review and evaluation of the strategy for resource mobilization; (b) undertake an estimation of resource needs for post-2020; and (c) develop, or further develop, a draft resource mobilization component of the framework.

Provisional Agenda

Cluster 1: Scoping the challenge and assessing what is working:  Plenary: Current state of the art - Overview of current resource mobilization architecture; progress in implementing ABT 20 and the strategy for resource mobilization: expert kickoff presentation and discussion Break out groups:  Lessons learned from ABT 20 and SRM implementation I: international public and private finance  Lessons learned from ABT 20 and SRM implementation II: domestic public and private finance Plenary: Page 3  Changing the narrative for scaling biodiversity finance: recent work on biodiversity benefits. Presentation and discussion  Costing the post-2020 global biodiversity framework under different scenarios: expert presentation and initial discussion Cluster 2: Identifying scalable resource mobilization solutions  Part I (plenary): Focus on the WHAT: Options and approaches for mobilizing and providing additional resources from all sources. Opening presentation on resource mobilization opportunities that can be scaled to meet the resource mobilization needs and how to do that, followed by open discussion;  Part II (stations): Focus on the HOW: Concrete options for the individual elements of the resource mobilization component, including possible targets and indicators (following the practice from regional consultations, with a plenary presentation at the end; request to highlight what was missing or requires additional discussion). In line with decision 14/22, stations would also address: - Ways to strengthen the engagement of a wider range of financial and private institutions, at all levels and from all sources, to support the implementation of the post-2020 framework; - Ways to further mainstream biodiversity into national economic budgets and development plans, including key productive sectors; - Ways to improve the readiness and capacity of Parties to access and utilize financial resources in support of the implementation of the post-2020 framework. Cluster 3: Looking ahead to the resource mobilization component of the post-2020 framework  Parallel sessions on few identified items for further in-depth discussion from previous clusters (similar to approach at regional consultations).  Final brainstorming session (in plenary of in breakout sessions) on options and key elements for the resource mobilization component of the post-2020 framework, possibly including options for defining targets and associated indicators.

Documents and Attachments

List of Attendances

(*) Need Confirmation


H4 Hotel Berlin-Alexanderplatz

Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 32

10178 Berlin

The 14th International Coral Reef Symposium

Start: Sun, 05/07/2020 (All day)
End: Fri, 10/07/2020 (All day)
Status: TBD

About This Event

The ICRS regularly brings together more than 2,500 of the world's leading coral reef scientists, early career researchers, conservationists, policy makers and reef managers to present the latest research findings and exchange current knowledge fundamental in advising international and national policies in the conservation and sustainable use of coral reefs.

In more than 50 years of history, ICRS 2020 will be the first ICRS to be held in Europe.
The University of Bremen is proud to host this 14th International Coral Reef Symposium and cordially invites the global coral reef community to visit Bremen and participate in ICRS 2020.


The overarching theme "Tackling the Challenging Future of Coral Reefs“ outlines its primary goals listed below:

  • Showcase significant work, latest findings and new ideas from all disciplines
  • Provide a platform for the international coral reef community to build bridges between science, conservation, politics, management and public awareness
  • Review existing knowledge for a comprehensive outlook on the future distribution and function of coral reef ecosystems
  • Explore new insights and technologies to develop science-based and sustainable solutions to tackle the global coral reef crisis
  • Promote public and political outreach in order to disseminate the key symposium outcomes at the local and international level
  • Create awareness by involving the public through accompanying lectures and exhibitions


Provisional Agenda

Documents and Attachments

List of Attendances

(*) Need Confirmation


The Exhibition and Conference Center in Bremen, Germany.

Our Ocean Conference 2019

Start: Thu, 24/10/2019 (All day)
End: Fri, 25/10/2019 (All day)
Status: Confirmed

About This Event


Provisional Agenda

Documents and Attachments

List of Attendances

(*) Need Confirmation


Oslo, Norway

33rd ICRI General Meeting

Start: Wed, 05/12/2018 (All day)
End: Fri, 07/12/2018 (All day)
Status: Confirmed

About This Event


Provisional Agenda

Proposed agenda (08/11/2018)
Shuttle from / to the Novotel will be provided.
Wednesday 5 December - Morning
Opening and welcome by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco
Remarks from the ICRI co-chairs Housekeeping
Presentation & adoption the agenda
Amendment of the ICRI rules – Motion presented by France
Summary of French Secretariat activity including the ICRI-UN Environment Small Grants initiative
Welcome new members and observers
Coral Triangle Center - Membership application letter (PDF File)
Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries, and Food Security (CTI-CFF) - Membership application letter (PDF File)
New Caledonia
Presentation of the Plan of Action of the new Secretariat
Theme 1 – promote effective and adaptable solutions to improve the protection of coral reef
Strengthening policies
Promote and build capacity in applying innovative funding
Support reef resilience at the local, regional and global scale
Promote leading practice reef restoration mechanisms by facilitating partnerships, investment and capacity building among ICRI members
Report on the “reef solutions” workshop
Theme 4 - Help to reduce anthropogenic threats to coral reefs, particularly those that occur at a global or regional scale
Elevate awareness of the global nature of threats to coral reefs and the need for a collective response to accelerate actions that address climate change at a local to global scale.
Review of impacts of chemical pollution on coral reefs and associated ecosystems
Guide actions to prevent and mitigate the impacts of marine pollution
Cocktail / Diner at the Novotel
Thursday 6 December - Morning
Theme 2 – Understand the trends of coral reefs / Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN)
The Implementation and Governance Plan (IGP) for the GCRMN
The 2020 roadmap
GCRMN regional updates
Theme 3 - Live Reef Fish Trade (LRFT) and fisheries
6th International Tropical Marine Ecosystem Management Symposium (ITMEMS)
Cocktail / Diner at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco
Friday 7 December - Morning
Review of the motions and proposed ad hoc committees and adoption
Transversal activity - Fostering partnerships / collaboration, including with private sector
5th Our Ocean
Report of the evaluation of Community of OCEAN Action “coral reef” commitments
Blue Charter (Commonwealth)
Upcoming meetings
Report on the International Year of the Reef 2018
Report from members
Meeting outcomes and closing
Adopted documents from the meeting
Plan of action 2018-2020
Terms of Reference for the new Ad hoc committees
Next ICRI General Meeting
Member's reports

Documents and Attachments

List of Attendances

(*) Need Confirmation


Yacht Club de Monaco, Monaco